Female* sexual desire and/or beauty appreciation week: the saga continues
(archiving here)
Liya Kebede

Lauren Ambrose objectifying Mena Suvari in "Six Feet Under"
(*personally would also welcome expressions of queer/genderqueer desire by not-necessarily-female persons)
...has been informally declared and is being celebrated, among other places, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Since I'm both lazy this week and in awe of this woman's efforts to display the gorgeous, week after week, I'm going to kick this off by both paying her homage and shamelessly lifting some of my favorite images from her treasure trove (hope that's all right). Yes, she has way, way more where these came from--98 pages' worth of women alone, and a whole passel of gentlemen (almost as many as women), and art pics to boot. Thanks, skywardprodigal, you are an inspiration, truly.
You can also see my contributions to earlier versions of this celebration on my other page. Also see this recent post for teh slash, I guess.
Most of the following, then, are cribbed shamelessly from skywardprodigal, with a few additions of my own, can't be arsed to remember for positive which now alas--a Maggie Cheung, I think, Aishwarya Rai, and some Alex Kingston. (ETA: and Rachel Weisz, and Grace Park, and Kera Knightley, and...screw it, I lost track. sorry if I broke anyone's Internets).

Sunna Gottshalk

Freema Agyeman

Lauren Ambrose
Grace Park

Patricia Clarkson

Justina Machado

Evan Rachel Wood

Eve Myles

Nichelle Nichols

Aishwarya Rai

Lucy Lawless

Sheryl Lee Ralph

Rachel Weisz

Naoko Mori

Alex Kingston

Wang Wenquin

Frances Conroy

Kiera Knightley

Lisa Nicole Carson

Mumaith Khan

Mena Suvari

Renee Cox

Sandra Oh

Heidi Klum

Gong Li

Josephine Rukia

Michelle Forbes

Tina Baltzer

Aimee Mullins

Maggie Cheung

Pam Grier

Joan Chen

Michelle Rodriguez

Deborah Ann Woll

Sophia Myles

Julie Nicol

Caroline Chikezie
Madhuri Dixit

Katee Sackhoff & Mary McDonnell

Meryl Streep & Anne Hathaway

Omahyra Mota & friend

Anna Cleveland and Pat Cleveland

Candis Cayne and Cyndi Lauper

Maggie Cheung & co-star

Omahyra Mota and Boyd Holbrook

Helen Mirren and Olivier Martinez

Aimee Mullins & Matthew Barney ("Cremaster")

Carmen Del'Orifice & friend

Evan Rachel Wood and friend

Indira Varma and Sarita Choudhury

Brandi Quinones & friends

Gena Rowlands

(*personally would also welcome expressions of queer/genderqueer desire by not-necessarily-female persons)
...has been informally declared and is being celebrated, among other places, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Since I'm both lazy this week and in awe of this woman's efforts to display the gorgeous, week after week, I'm going to kick this off by both paying her homage and shamelessly lifting some of my favorite images from her treasure trove (hope that's all right). Yes, she has way, way more where these came from--98 pages' worth of women alone, and a whole passel of gentlemen (almost as many as women), and art pics to boot. Thanks, skywardprodigal, you are an inspiration, truly.
You can also see my contributions to earlier versions of this celebration on my other page. Also see this recent post for teh slash, I guess.
Most of the following, then, are cribbed shamelessly from skywardprodigal, with a few additions of my own, can't be arsed to remember for positive which now alas--a Maggie Cheung, I think, Aishwarya Rai, and some Alex Kingston. (ETA: and Rachel Weisz, and Grace Park, and Kera Knightley, and...screw it, I lost track. sorry if I broke anyone's Internets).

At 6:13 PM,
Mots du Bugsy said…
Female sensuality is the signal as well as symbolic of human potential and liberation. The resistance and objections to that show the effect of the patriarchial system that has dought to keep domesticated the female as part of their commoditization of their environment for their exploitation.
Vive la passion!
At 9:16 PM,
Kitty said…
I knew about Fetch Me My Axe via the feminist blogosphere, but why, oh why hadn't I heard of this blog sooner? Sunna is just amazingly beautiful, and Boyd Holbrook- I think I'm in love! A man in lipstick... There is nothing better on this Earth, I tell ya! You've got a good eye.
At 2:25 PM,
Roland Hulme said…
You have Alex Kingston in there twice, but that's okay 'cos she rocks.
At 5:11 PM,
belledame222 said…
RH: She does indeed. Lauren Ambrose, Omahyra Mota and Aimee Mullins are also represented a couple of times each. Too much of a good thing is never enough, or something.
NO: Probably because I hardly ever update here; these days it's mostly just a repository for objectificationcake threads. anyway, thanks! Glad you like.
At 3:32 AM,
Deepa said…
Thank you so much for visiting and pointing me to the Carnival of progressive Christians.
This is my first visit to your blog and find it very interesting :-)
I am surprised that you have Aishwarya Rai and Madhuri Dixit in this list. They are no doubt beautiful women BUT they seem almost 'asexual' in their films. Aish more than Madhuri. Guess you have the advantage of not seeing any of their films? :-D Or am I wrong there?
At 4:03 AM,
belledame222 said…
Hey, Deepa, welcome. No, you're right, I haven't really seen them in action/films much, just publicity shots and snippets, mostly. Some of the other actors here too are probably...well, it's funny, you know, ultimately people read what they want to read in celebrities, I think. A lot of peoples' crushes I don't get at -all-, but well, there's always something.
glad you like the blog; I should update more often. In general I'm a lot more active on my other blog,
Fetch me my axe.
At 4:04 PM,
-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said…
Sex is only for Heaven, dear, if you're not married; Upstairs, however, you can have me as your personal servant (and SEXtillions more of the young men you so desire for the length of eternity). I wanna give you everything and more in Heaven and, to do that, we must wait, Miss Gorgeous. God hears the longings of thy heart; God gladly rewards those who're faithfull. PS The blog ‘closenmyeyes’ is how I wanna serve you in the Eternal Great Beyond. God bless you.
At 7:22 PM,
Medusa's Arrow said…
Beautiful photos. I hope you don't mind me plugging this here but I'm a sex workers rights advocate and woman of color. I've been getting SEVERELY harassed by a racist, anti-porn feminist and I've finally decided to speak out. Thank you.
At 2:59 AM,
Joy said…
she real rocks
At 12:49 PM,
-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said…
This ain't your 'normal' blog post, girl; our salvation lays within these very words if you're wise enough to discern their nuanced metaphor --- Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s gonna be like for us: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most-extra-blatant-and-groovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, eternal-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-smmmokin’-hot-deal. YES! For God, anything and everything and more! is possible!! Cya soon...
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At 11:12 PM,
Henry Back said…
Great article. Keep sharing.
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